Public Relations
The core competence of Kerl & Cie is the consulting of businesses with regard to Public Relations.
Public Relations
The core competence of Kerl & Cie is the consulting of businesses with regard to public relations.
The Consultancy Path
At the beginning of the consulting process stands a comprehensive analysis of the status quo of all measures of Public Relations and the current public perception of the client.
From this review Kerl & Cie derives the suitable communication strategy and implements the corresponding ideas and measures.
work Analysis of the company, the competition and the market position
speaker_notes Communication analysis of the company
thumbs_up_down Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the public perception
settings Analysis of previous communication measures according to volume and efficiency
loyalty Analysis of the communication potential
track_changes Establishing of communication goals on the basis of the communication analysis
extension Development of a communication strategy on the basis of the communication goals
- Definition of the to be communicated unique selling point and products
- Formulation of core theses of the company and the management
- Derivation of core messages
launch Development of concrete communication measures to realize the communication strategy and achieve the communication goals
play_circle_filled Implementation of the communication measures developed in the strategy
group_add Establishing and expansion of a media and contact network
trending_flat Constant development of communication measures
dashboard Design of scribbles and mood boards for the motifs
description Design / final artwork of the individual printable advertising motifs
extension Format adjustment and motif delivery according to media plan